Our Projects: Dyrham Park, Old Lodge

The ancient parkland at Dyrham is extensive, stretching over 270 acres on the western edge of the Cotswolds. Nestled within the centre of the park and accessed via various new walking routes, visitors will find the new Old Lodge Café.

Outside of the main baroque-style house and entrance lodge, the National Trust wanted to provide more facilities for those on their adventures around the parkland. The project has completely renovated a grade II listed farm building that now provides a new café, ice cream kiosk and toilets for people to use whilst exploring.

It is part of the larger site-wide scheme to revitalise the park and attract more visitors to Dyrham. This is the first part of the wider scheme to reach fruition.

The renovation included re-roofing works, structural alterations to the internal and external spaces, a new floor, new internal walls, doors and finishes. New mechanical and electrical services were installed to allow for the café offering and ice cream area.

The barn was restored with original materials and repaired in a way that minimised the impact on the historic fabric. The kitchen and servery were constructed within a self-contained timber box, which fits seamlessly into the barn and means the alterations are reversible. Warm copper was introduced in the café to reflect a patina.

The external areas at Old Lodge have been redesigned, with a new patio and outdoor seating and new play equipment and planting.

To assist with movement around the parkland, new pathways were created to link Old Lodge to the main access road and the Main House. An access track was provided across the parkland to an external gate to allow for construction traffic at the time and for deliveries to the café going forward.

Planning was granted in 2019 however due to Covid-19 the project was put on hold. In 2021, the project was given the go ahead and Synergy negotiated a suitable uplift in costs to the submitted tender to allow for the time difference from submission.

Synergy provided a full QS service including cost planning, tendering, onsite valuations, reporting and final account, working with Thread architects.


  • Client: National Trust
  • Sector: Culture and CommunityHeritageHospitality
  • Services: Cost Consultancy
  • Contract: £1.1m

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