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The Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) 2018 to 2019 is now open
Applications for the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) 2018 to 2019 is now open.
Academies and sixth form colleges are eligible to apply as long as they are not be part of a larger multi-academy trust (with at least 5 academies and more than 3000 pupils), or an opted in chain, that is receiving formulaic funding. The academy must also be open before the January 2017 census and; either an open academy/sixth form college as of 1 September 2017 or a school with a signed academy order as of 1 September 2017 expected to convert by 1 April 2018.
An academy/college may put forward up to two projects. The highest priority will be given to projects, which address compliance and health and safety issues followed by projects that ensure weather tight buildings and continuous heating and water supply. The fund also supports a small number of expansion projects though there is strict guidance surrounding this. Academies can also put in a bid for the Healthy Pupils Capital fund, which aims to increase and improve access to, and use of, relevant facilities such as kitchens, dining facilities, changing rooms, playgrounds and sports facilities. However submitting a HPCF bid counts towards the maximum number of bids you may submit under the CIF round.
With previous CIF rounds heavily oversubscribed and the deadline of 14th December fast approaching, it is crucial to gain the advice of a professional advisor with a proven track record in this area. Synergy’s experience in preparing these applications has resulted in the development of an efficient and effective template, which is tailored to individual schools.
In the last round, we were successful in securing funding for £13 million projects for our school clients.
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